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What I'm reading now:

Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle

by John Rolfe and Peter Troob

Really entertaining read about life on Wall Street.

My recommended book list

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If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me.

Friday, August 19, 2005
God bless Kingfisher
The makers of Indian brew have released their 2005 swimsuit calendar. It's about time down-home Indian girls got an outlet for showing off their...umm...swimsuits.

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Private Health Care Is Higher Quality - Sepia Mutiny
Interesting snippet on Sepia Mutiny today about the benefits of private vs. public healthcare. While they're talking about the quality of doctors in India, the argument is equally applicable to the debate going on here in Canada about so-called "two-tier" healthcare and the merits of introducing private care facilities.

According to the study of doctors in Delhi, "Public sector doctors did less than a third of what they knew to be important in terms of diagnosis, taking about fifteen percent of the time required to fully diagnose complaints. Over-prescribing and mis-prescribing were also rampant."

I've had enough personal experience with public sector doctors here in Canada to see this tendency in them to spend less time diagnosing and just prescribe drugs in an almost experimental manner. "Well, that one didn't work out, so let's try....this!".

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